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Suboxone Clinic Rosedale, MD - Suboxone Doctor Online Appointments

Suboxone, a medication combining buprenorphine and naloxone, is commonly used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction. While it is effective in helping people manage opioid dependence, there is concern about its potential for abuse. Here are some key points regarding Suboxone abuse rates:

Call Suboxone clinic Rosedale Suboxone Doctor MD 443-559-8354

Understanding Suboxone Abuse

  1. Purpose of Suboxone: Suboxone is designed to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms for people addicted to opioids. Buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, helps manage withdrawal symptoms without producing the same high as full opioids. Naloxone, an opioid antagonist, is included to prevent misuse by causing withdrawal symptoms if injected.

  2. Misuse and Abuse Potential: Despite its design, Suboxone can be misused. Some individuals may misuse Suboxone by taking higher doses than prescribed, combining it with other substances, or using it to self-medicate without a prescription.

Abuse Rates and Trends

  1. Extent of Abuse: Studies and surveys indicate that Suboxone abuse does occur, but it is generally less common than the abuse of other opioids like heroin and prescription painkillers. The design of Suboxone, particularly the inclusion of naloxone, makes it less likely to be abused.

  2. Data on Misuse: According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the rate of misuse of buprenorphine products (including Suboxone) among individuals receiving MAT is relatively low. However, misuse is higher among those who obtain Suboxone without a prescription.

  3. Statistics: Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in recent years indicates that about 1-2% of individuals who use Suboxone may misuse it. This rate is significantly lower than the misuse rates for other opioids.

Factors Contributing to Misuse

  1. Access and Availability: Increased access to Suboxone through MAT programs can inadvertently lead to diversion and misuse.

  2. Self-Medication: Some individuals may use Suboxone without a prescription to manage withdrawal symptoms or to reduce their use of other opioids.

  3. Polydrug Use: Misuse often involves combining Suboxone with other substances, such as benzodiazepines or alcohol, which can enhance the risk of overdose.

Efforts to Mitigate Abuse

  1. Prescription Monitoring: Programs like Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) help track prescriptions and reduce the risk of diversion.

  2. Education: Educating patients and healthcare providers about the risks of misuse and proper use of Suboxone can help reduce abuse rates.

  3. Regulation: Stricter regulations on the prescribing and dispensing of Suboxone aim to limit its misuse.


While Suboxone abuse is a concern, its rates of misuse are generally lower compared to other opioids. Ongoing efforts to monitor, regulate, and educate about Suboxone use are crucial in mitigating abuse while ensuring that it remains a valuable tool in opioid addiction treatment.


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